The Small, Local and Emerging Business (SLEB) program is designed to enhance contracting and procurement opportunities for small, local and emerging businesses within Alameda County by providing up to 10% bid preferences on eligible contracts. The program was developed to promote and foster inclusiveness, diversity and economic development, as well as provide on-going evaluation to ensure that all local businesses are provided equal opportunities in County contracting and procurement activities.
- About Us
Learn about the SLEB program, its benefits and review FAQs.
- Contact Us
Questions, ideas, feedback? We want to hear from you.
- Documents
Find documents, forms, and reports related to the program.
- Find A Supplier
Search for suppliers in Alameda County's small local emerging business database.
- Links & Resources
Access County departments, local, state and federal websites related to the small business programs, certifications and procurement.
- Supplier Corner
Register as a local supplier in the Small Local Emerging Business database, update your supplier profile, apply for SLEB certification, access information about doing business with the County and register to use and access the County's contract compliance system, Elation Systems.