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Insurance Requirements in Contracts
- Contractor's Insurance Requirements (DOCX - 191kb)**
- Request for Insurance Waiver or Changes (PDF - 169kb)*
- C - PW Tule Pond (PDF - 16kb) *
- C - Temp Pool - No Professionals (PDF - 21kb) *
- C1 - Standard (PDF - 21kb) *
- C1 - Zone 7 Septic Tank Cleaning (PDF - 15kb) *
- C1 - Zone7 with X, C, U (PDF - 17kb) *
- C1A - Abuse molestation (PDF - 21kb) *
- C1B - High Products Limit (DOCX - 38kb)**
- C - 2 (PDF - 21kb) *
- C2 - With Pollution (PDF - 14kb) *
- C2 - EO (PDF - 97kb) *
- C2A - Abuse, etc EO (PDF - 16kb) *
- C2C - Without Employee Dishonesty (PDF - 97kb) *
- C2IT - Technology Professional Services (PDF - 168kb) *
- C4 - DO Crime EO (PDF - 13kb)*
- C4C - Payment Bond EO (DOCX - 40kb)**
Exhibit C - Doc C-4C Payment Bond Insurance Requirements Form 2001-1 - C4d - CBO with Professional Liability (PDF - 17kb) *
- C4d - CBO Services (PDF - 16kb) *
- C5 (PDF - 14kb) *
Exhibit C5 that requires Directors/Officers and Crime - C5 - Crime (PDF - 21kb) *
Exhibit C5 that requires Crime - C5A - STANDARD Exh CVA Payment Bond (DOCX - 39kb)**
Standard Exh C5A - Payment Bond - C7 - Builder Risk (PDF - 97kb) *
- C7A - Builder Risk (DOCX - 39kb)**
- C8 - Pollution (PDF - 14kb) *
- C9 - Pest Control Incl Inside (PDF - 14kb) *
- C9 - Pollution EO (PDF - 19kb) *
- C10 - High E & O Limits (DOCX - 39kb)**
- C11 - Use of Facilities (PDF - 20kb) *
- C11A - County is Tenant (PDF - 19kb) *
- C11B - ACFD Sub Tenant (PDF - 14kb) *
- C12 - Standard C2 With Crime (PDF - 14kb) *
- C12A - Standard C1 With Crime (PDF - 15kb) *
- C13 - Hospital Group - For Profit (DOCX - 38kb)**
- C13A - Hospital Group (PDF - 14kb) *
- C13A - Hospital Group - Non - Profit (DOCX - 39kb)**
- C13B - Individual as Medical Provider (PDF - 16kb)**
- C13C (PDF - 16kb) *
- C17 - Tax Withholding (PDF - 19kb) *
- C17 - Proof of Liability Provided (PDF - 19kb) *
- C17A - Liability and Proof of Insurance Provided (PDF - 20kb) *
- C18 - High Products, High E&O? (DOCX - 39kb)**
- C20 - Off Site Data Storage (DOCX - 40kb)**
- C21 - Use CTY Equipment (DOCX - 39kb)**
- CBO - With Professional Liability C4d (DOCX - 42kb)**
Certificate of Minimum Insurance Requirements CBO with Professional Liability - CBO - Without Professional Liability C5d (DOCX - 40kb)**
Certificate of Minimum Insurance Requirements CBO without Professional Liability