Pest Management

Artichoke Thistle
The Alameda County Agriculture Department manages specific weed and rodent pests found in open agricultural and wildland areas, recreational sites and right-of-way within the county.
Working in conjunction with state agencies, park districts, cities and private landowners we provide pest control materials for controlling these pests.
We provide information on the proper best management practices and integrated pest control methods to be used when conducting pest control activities within the county.
We are involved with the Alameda/Contra Costa Weed Management Area and have several projects underway.
We work with the California Department of Food and Agriculture and United States Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Resource Services (USDA-ARS) in developing effective biological controls for use on a number of troublesome pests with the county. We have established some sites onto which biological control organisms have been released to control Yellow Starthistle and Ash Whitefly.
We are actively looking to release additional bio-agents as they become available.

California Ground Squirrel