1221 Oak Street, Suite 450Oakland, CA 94612Telephone: 510.272.3895

Diversity Programs Unit logo

The County of Alameda is committed to providing a professional work environment free from discrimination and harassment, including discrimination and harassment based on a protected category, and an environment free from retaliation for participating in protected activity.

About the Diversity Programs Unit

The Diversity Programs Unit has countywide responsibility for ensuring that the County's employment policies and practices are nondiscriminatory. The purpose of the Diversity Programs Unit is to manage investigations of complaints brought by County employees, applicants for employment, unpaid interns or volunteers, who allege a violation of the County's nondiscrimination or whistleblower policies.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The County's discrimination, harassment, and retaliation complaint process allows an employee or an applicant to seek resolution of complaints at either the County or the Agency/Department level. The Diversity Programs Unit administers the countywide complaint process while the Agency/Department's Personnel Officer or Diversity Coordinator administers the departmental level complaint process.

Whistleblower Complaints

Pursuant to Alameda County Administrative Code Chapter 3.52, the County intends to protect employees from being subjected to reprisal actions for having disclosed certain types of information. Protected disclosure includes evidence regarding mismanagement or a significant waste of funds and abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

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