If your business is interested in receiving notice of Alameda County Contracting Opportunities, and you have a facebook account, please connect with us.

The Office of Acquisition Policy (OAP) was established in the General Service Agency (GSA) to provide leadership, policy guidance and direction in the County's acquisition of goods and services, as well as coordinating long and short range planning to aid in the continuing development of the small business community.
OAP also provides technical assistance to the County departments and evaluates the effectiveness of the acquisition practices, procurements and its impact on the economic development of the local small business community.
OAP shares with the Procurement Department responsibilities to ensure County contracting activities and methodologies are transparent and reflective of the best business practices and are consistent with the Board of Supervisors mandates.
OAP's function is:
- To develop and maintain the Uniform Procurement Manual and recommend procurement policies and procedures for adoption by the Board of Supervisors for use by all County agencies and departments.
- Conduct Business Outreach to promote opportunities to small, local businesses.
- Maintain the integrity and accountability of the compliance process for transactions managed by GSA.
- Internal Staff Procurement Training.
- Contractor Training - "How to do business with Alameda County."
- Small Business Development.
The GSA-OAP is located at:
1401 Lakeside Drive, 10th Floor,
Oakland, CA 94612