A county employee takes BART to work and participates in County incentives.
Employee Incentives for Choosing Sustainable Transportation
To help reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution in our communities, the County encourages its employees to carpool and take public transit by offering incentives.
Carpool Parking
The County offers free parking and reserves a certain number of spots in its parking facilities for employees who carpool to work.
Free Shuttle Service to Transit
The County offers free shuttle service to employees within the County Center in Oakland, to Embarcadero Cove in Oakland, in East Oakland, from Hayward BART to the Winton campus, and from the Bayfair BART station to multiple locations in San Leandro. The shuttles run on weekdays to provide employees with a convenient and safe way to get from BART stations to their workplaces.
Guaranteed Ride Home Program
For employees who carpool or take transit, the Guaranteed Ride Home Program provides a free taxi, car share, or rental car ride home in an unexpected emergency such as illness, family crisis, or unscheduled overtime.
Pre-Tax Transit Benefits
The Commuter Benefit program allows employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for mass transit expenses (such as BART or bus) for their commutes. This can result in significant savings in the cost of transportation through the taxes saved.