History of the Building
Address: 1325 Portland Ave Albany, CA 94706
The following is an excerpt taken from the ceremony materials distributed at the Albany Veterans' Memorial Building Dedication Exercises on Sunday, August 14, 1932.
"THE NEW ALBANY VETERANS MEMORIAL BUILDING is located in the Albany Memorial Park. The cornerstone was laid on February 28th, 1932. The completed structure furnished is valued at approximately $80,000. With the Dedication Ceremonies on Sunday, August 14th, 1932, the city becomes the proud possessor of one of the finest Memorial Buildings in the East Bay section.
Too much credit cannot be given to the splendid men and women who have so earnestly and successfully labored without compensation for this Public Park and Memorial Building.
The need for a Public Park in Albany had long been recognized and the City Council called an election on May 18th, 1925, submitting the proposal to incur an indebtedness of $50,000 for the purpose of acquiring the necessary land. Fred. C. Whitmore, then Mayor of the city, and the entire Council aided in carrying the successful election that permitted the issuance of bonds. A Park Purchasing Committee, consisting of Mr. H.P. Hoyt, Mr. W.G. Orton, and Mr. Lisle C. Green, was appointed, and with untiring energy secured two city blocks, about six acres of land, for the site of the Park.
Streets were closed by the Council and the work of tree and shrub planting and general beautification proceeded rapidly under the Park Commission, who served without compensation.
The Albany Memorial Park now has a well equipped Children's Playground, a Drinking Fountain placed as a memorial to the Albany boys who sacrificed their lives in the World War, Tennis Courts and Rest Rooms.
Because of failure to pass bonds to purchase a site for the Albany Veterans' Memorial Building, the Park Commission recommended that this structure be placed at the City Memorial Park. The Council accepted this proposal, the County Board of Supervisors agreed, and today the result stands grandly out before all.
It is with satisfaction that the present City Council and Mayor joins with Albany Post No. 292, American Legion in this Dedication."