County of Alameda Administration Building
1221 Oak Street, #536, Oakland, CA 94612
Alameda County Board of Supervisors
Picture of calaveras reservoir with a photo of Supervisor David Haubert, District 1.

Get Prepared

Being prepared for an earthquake is the key to saving lives and property. Get some good advice by selecting from among the following categories:

Emergency Services.  Various government agencies help the public cope with the effects of an earthquake.

  • FEMA.  Go here to learn more about disaster assistance programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
  • OES.  The Governor's Office of Emergency Services coordinates earthquake preparedness, response and recovery efforts in California. This site also has useful safety suggestions for homes, schools and businesses.
  • Seismic Safety.  The California Seismic Safety Commission helps speed earthquake recovery by developing and monitoring risk mitigation programs.

Homeowner Information.  Check these sites to learn how to make your home a more quake-safe place.

  • PG&E.  The Bay Area's utility company offers safety and emergency information, including instructions on how to brace a water heater and turn off the gas.

Survival Strategies and Supplies.  It's never too soon to prepare safety plans and disaster kits for your family. These sites make it easier to do.

  • Red Cross.   The American Red Cross presents worthwhile safety information, including directions on how to make a home earthquake plan and a disaster supplies kit.
  • Epicenter.  Search the Emergency Preparedness Information Center for disaster preparedness tips and products.

Most of us realize how important it is to have a disaster kit at home. But it's equally important to have a smaller kit in your car. Here's a list of items for a 24-hour disaster kit that will fit in an easy-to-carry box or bag. You should have a kit like this, plus no less than a half-full tank of gas, whenever you drive in the Bay Area. Remember, the Loma Prieta earthquake happened during rush hour.