All applicants have to apply online.
Use the following link:
Sitemap, Ownership Information, Applicant Information, Driller's Information License.
You must submit at least 10 work days prior to the planned start of work date.
If there is not any oversight agency at the site or no open cases exist on the site, and application is complete, permits can be issued without delay.
The agency with the hold will be contacted, and the agencies have to clear the application before drilling permit can be issued. To find the case worker contact information please project site address at
Permit fees may be paid by credit card online or by mailing in check.
Checks for any drilling permit application in Alameda County Public Works Agency- Jurisdiction shall be made out to the address below:
Treasurer, County of Alameda Alameda County Public Works 399 Elmhurst Street, Hayward, CA 94544 Well Standards Program Attn: Eneyew Amberber
Credit cards are not charged until the application is approved. Once the permit is issued you will receive a copy of the approved permit and that attached PDF file serves as your receipt and permit(s), please print for your record.
See attached Fee Schedule at, click on Permit fees
Yes. You can access the permit application online using an application ID and be able to cancel the permit at any time without any cost. A drilling permit application fee is not processed if the permit is not issued.
Yes, if no work has been done and prior to the permit expiration date. The permit will expire within 90 days. If the permit applicant decides not to perform the work after securing a permit, the applicant will be entitled to a refund of the permit fee of 70% of the fee. The 30% reduction represents the administrative cost of processing and issuing the permit. A refund of the permit fee of 70% of the fee cannot be processed after permitting expired.
- All federal and state agencies must apply for permits but no permit fee shall be charged to them as long as they are the applicant. The state or federal would be exempt from paying well permit fees, but only if the state or federal were the applicant on a state project or a federal project. Site work shall be a project on state-owned property or federal-owned property. If a state project or a federal project is to be carried out on property owned by the City or the County or the City or County, as property owner, is not exempt from our permit fees, which are charged to defray the costs of inspection. The City or County is not exempt under both Government Code section 6103.7 and Section 6.88.050 of the Alameda County General Ordinance Code.
- All other public agencies, cities, public utilities, and non-governmental agencies must make applications for permits and also pay the required permit and inspection fees.
- Neither the County of Alameda, nor the Alameda County flood control and water conservation district, together with their departments and contractors shall be required to pay fees for drilling permits, but shall be required to make applications for permits as provided for hereunder, providing an agreed procedure for the mutual clearance of plans and prosecution of the proposed work has been reached between the county or district department heads responsible for such work and the director.
Instructions will be provided with the approved permit.
Specific Question & Answer
No permit needed for hand auger and less than 5ft. in depth only. Any drilling activity using any drilling equipment at any depth for soil, soil vapor and groundwater sampling for the purpose of both Environmental Investigation & Geotechnical Investigation will require a well drilling permit application.
- No permit needed for hand auger and less than 5ft. in depth.
- Any drilling activity using any drilling equipment at any depth for soil, soil vapor and groundwater sampling for the purpose of both Environmental Investigation & Geotechnical Investigation will require a well drilling permit application.
- Irrigation and Domestic Water Supply Well construction also requires a well drilling permit application.
- Remove the Christy box or similar structure. Pressure Grout with Cement, 25 psi for 5 min (Less than 30 ft in depth).
- Remove the Christy box or similar structure. Tremie Grout with Cement (More than 30 ft in depth).
- Remove the Christy box or similar structure. Destroy well(s) by overdrilling the upper 5ft. below ground surface (bgs) and then tremie grouting with neat cement. Allow the sealing material to spill over the top of the casing to fill any annular space between casing and soil. After the seal has been set, backfill the remaining hole by approved encroachment permit concrete material and asphalt material by Caltrans Spec or County/City Codes.
- Remove the Christy box or similar structure. Pressure Grout with Cement (Less than 30 ft in depth). After the seal has been set, backfill the remaining hole with concrete or compacted material to match existing.
- Remove the Christy box or similar structure. Tremie Grout with Cement (More than 30 ft in depth). After the seal has been set, backfill the remaining hole with concrete or compacted material to match existing.
#Wells Located in a Public Right-of-Way:
#Wells Located on the Private Property:
Note: Tremie Grout is acceptable at any depth. All wells constructed with < 1 inch's diameter pvc casing shall be destroyed by over drilling only to the total depth.
Two dual nested wells can be accounted as single well, to approve the permit, you need to submit to [email protected] the work proposal approval letter or email by the regulatory agency for the construction of those dual-nested groundwater monitoring wells, a sitemap, and the well diagram. The destruction method for dual-nested groundwater monitoring wells in the future shall be only by over drilling to the total depth.