Mobile Home Park Information
Alameda County Mobile Home Park Rent Stabilization Ordinance
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. 90-71 on September 25, 1990, relating to rent increases in Mobile Home Parks in Unincorporated Alameda County. The Ordinance specifies the maximum space rental increases allowed annually unless a request for a higher increase is approved by the Board of Supervisors. Down load a copy of the Ordinance. (PDF -861kB)
State of California Mobile Home Park Programs
The State of California Department of Housing and Community Development maintains a Registration and Titling Program whose mission is to assure ownership security and consumer protection by efficiently administering the regulations and statutes governing the registration and titling program and by providing fast and accurate information to customers.
In addition, the State of California maintains rules and requirements pertaining to Mobile Home Parks.
The Mobile home and Special Occupancy Parks Program develops, administers and enforces uniform statewide standards which assure owners, residents, and users of mobile home and special occupancy parks (recreational vehicle parks, tent camps, etc.) protection from risks to their health and safety.
The State of California also has a State Mobile home Ombudsman, who receives and processes complaints from the public and from public officials related to living in manufactured homes and mobile homes. Staff provides information, coordination, referrals, and other assistance to help resolve complaints generally related to:
- The operation of mobile home parks related to health and safety matters.
- The purchase, sale, financing, titling and registration of manufactured homes and mobile homes.
- The installation, inspection, and maintenance or alteration of manufactured homes, mobile home accessory structures, and park grounds.
In some cases the Ombudsman may directly assist in resolving complaints, however most complaints are forwarded to the federal, state or local authority having jurisdiction for their resolution.