Land Use Planning Forms and Guides
If you have questions on what forms are necessary with your application submittal, please contact the Alameda County Planning Department at 510-670-5400, Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., except on Wednesday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Administrative Use Permit (ACUP) (PDF - 49kb) *
- Administrative Minor Use Permit (AMUP) (PDF - 224kb) *
- Alameda County Development Standards for Siting of Telecommunication Facilities (PDF - 242kb) *
- Boundary Line Adjustment/Lot Merger (PDF - 426kb) *
- Cannabis Delivery Application (PDF - 476kb) *
- Certificate of Compliance (PDF - 101kb) *
- Conditional Use Permit (PDF - 230kb) *
- Conditional Use Permit Mandatory Review (PDF - 135kb) *
- Demolition Request (PDF - 262kb) *
- Fee Schedule (PDF - 300kb) *
- Housing Pre-Screen
- Lot Size Consistency in Castro Valley Policy (PDF - 97kb) *
- Massage Facility MUP / CUP Application Supplemental Information (PDF - 156kb) *
- Minor Use Permit (PDF - 220kb) *
- Pre-Application Meeting Form (PDF - 142kb) *
- Preliminary Review Request (PDF - 207kb) *
- Private Street Application (PDF - 194kb) *
- Registration of Soil Importing Form (PDF - 183kb) *
- Requirements for Telecommunication Facilities (PDF - 151kb) *
- Reasonable Accommodation (PDF - 71kb) *
- Rezone (PDF - 52kb) *
- SB 9 Pre-Screen (PDF - 284kb) *
- Site Development Review (PDF - 157kb) *
- Note: How to Prepare Drawings for Submittal (PDF - 191kb) *
- Site Development Review, Agriculture (PDF - 424kb) *
- Site Development Review, Agriculture Caretaker Unit (PDF - 339kb) *
- Site Development Review, Horse Boarding/Riding Academy (PDF - 329kb) *
- Stormwater Protection Plan - Equine Facilities (PDF - 391kb) *
- Site Development Review, Signage for Castro Valley Central Business District Only (PDF - 98kb) *
- Standard Application (PDF - 315kb) *
- Stormwater Checklist (PDF - 315kb) *
- Subdivision (PDF - 1.1M) *
- Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan Application (PDF - 298kb) *
- Temporary Use Permit (TUP) (PDF - 233kb) *
- Variance (PDF - 225kb) *
- Williamson Act Compatible Use Determination Instructions (PDF - 99kb) *
and Form (PDF - 73kb) * - Wireless Telecom Request for 6409 Approval (PDF - 181kb) *
- Zoning Verification Letter (ZVL) (PDF - 169kb) *
Guides for Zoning Regulations
A | Agricultural (PDF - 22kb) * |
R-1 | Single Family Residence (PDF - 23kb) * |
R-2 | Two Family Residence (PDF - 23kb) * |
R-3 | Four Family Residence (PDF - 22kb) * |
R-4 | Multiple Residence (PDF - 22kb) * |
R-S | Suburban Residence (PDF - 23kb) * |
C-O | Administrative Offices (PDF - 23kb) * |
C-N | Neighborhood Business (PDF - 28kb) * |
C-1 | Retail Business (PDF - 27kb) * |
C-2 | General Commercial (PDF - 24kb) * |
PD | Planned Development (PDF - 29kb) * |
M-1 | Light Industrial (PDF - 22kb) * |
M-2 | Heavy Industrial (PDF - 22kb) * |
M-P | Industrial Park (PDF - 22kb) * |
MU | Mixed Use (PDF - 226kb) * |
H-1 | Highway Frontage (PDF - 22kb) * |
SD | Sunol Downtown (PDF - 80kb) * |
Combining Districts
-B | Site Area (PDF - 25kb) * |
-D | Density (PDF - 19kb) * |
-DV | Density Variable (PDF - 10kb) * |
-L | Agricultural Use (PDF - 19kb) * |
-RV | Recreational Vehicle (PDF - 12kb) * |
-SU | Secondary Unit (PDF - 28kb) * |
Ashland Cherryland Business District Specific Plan (PDF - 11Mb) *
Castro Valley Central Business District Specific Plan (PDF -10.8Mb) *
Note: Zoning and Land Use regulations are included in the Specific Plan by Sub Area.
Group A | Intensive Retail Commercial |
Group B | Low Volume, Predominately Motor Vehicle-Oriented Retail and Service Commercial, Wholesale Commercial, and Industrial |
Group C | Offices |
Group D | Medium Density Residential |
Group E | High Density Residential |
San Lorenzo Village Center Specific Plan (PDF -3.8Mb) *
Note: Zoning and Land Use regulations are included in the Plan.