Disability Insurance

The County and State of California offer a range of disability benefits, designed to protect your income in the event you cannot work for an extended period due to illness or injury. These include:

Disability Insurance Plans

The County provides voluntary Short-Term (STD) and Long-Term (LTD) Disability Insurance Plans for eligible employees. For both of these plans, you pay the full cost on an after-tax basis. (Paying "after-tax" makes any disability awards to you tax free.)

The benefit amount is based on your age as of December 31st of the new benefit plan year; and your base annual salary as stated in Alameda County's payroll system.

Short-Term Disability. After the 7th day of accident or sickness, the voluntary Short-Term Disability Plan provides weekly income replacement earnings of up to 40% of your eligible base salary, with a weekly maximum benefit of $1,500.

Long-Term Disability. If your disability continues beyond 180 days, the voluntary Long-Term Disability Plan provides monthly income replacement of up to 60% of your eligible base salary, with a monthly maximum benefit of $5,000.

If you have questions, please contact the EBC at (510) 891-8991.

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State Disability Insurance

California State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a partial wage-replacement insurance plan for California workers. The SDI program is state-mandated, and funded through employee payroll deductions. SDI provides short-term benefits to eligible workers who suffer a loss of wages when they are unable to work due to a non work-related illness or injury, or a medically disabling condition from pregnancy or childbirth.

SDI may pay up to 52 weeks of benefits with a waiting period of only seven days. Payments are coordinated with any voluntary disability insurance coverage you may have.

Payroll deductions for all covered workers are based on the same contribution rate, and are deducted automatically from your pay.

For more information regarding California State Disability Insurance (SDI), visit the California Employment Development Department�s Web site and follow the links to "Disability Insurance."

To file a claim, contact the EDD or download a claim form from the EDD Website.

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Workers' Compensation

If you sustain an on-the-job injury, you may be eligible for benefits through the California's Workers' Compensation system. Depending on the nature, date, and severity of your injury, Workers' Compensation provides six types of benefits, including:

  • Medical care
  • Temporary disability benefits
  • Permanent disability benefits
  • Vocational rehabilitation services (for injuries before January 1, 2004)
  • Supplemental job displacement benefits (for injuries on or after January 1, 2004)
  • Death benefits

The County contracts with a private insurer to provide Workers' Compensation benefits to our workforce. If you are injured on the job, the EBC will contact you to initiate the Workers' Compensation claim; alternatively, you may contact the EBC if you are injured at work.

For more information regarding Workers' Compensation, visit the California Department of Industrial Relations Web site and follow the links to "Division of Workers' Compensation."

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