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Alameda County Law Library Building
125 - 12th Street, 3rd Floor, Oakland, CA 94607 · 510-272-6920
Claims Administration
It is the goal of Risk Management to assist County agencies and departments in managing their exposures to accidental losses arising from general operations, employment practices, employee vehicle operations, hazards, and contractual commitments.
If a claim or lawsuit arises, the County offers the following liability protection that applies to claims, costs, injuries or damages.
- General Liability, which includes Auto Liability, Errors and Omissions, and Employment Practices Liability
- Medical Malpractice
Risk Management will provide funding for payment of covered liability claims brought against the County, its officers, employees and agents, whose negligent acts while acting in the course and scope of their employment resulted in bodily injury or property damage to a third party. Negligence, under Tort Law, is defined as the �failure to observe, for the protection of the interest of another person, that degree of care, vigilance and precaution which the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other persons suffer injury.� The law demands only that a person act as a reasonably prudent or careful person would act under the circumstances.
The program will pay, on behalf of the County, the amounts that the County will be obligated to pay by reason of liability imposed upon the County by law, or liability assumed under written agreement by the County. The County will also provide defense and indemnification to its employees with respects to claims resulting from their acts or omissions while in the course and scope of County business, except for criminal acts such as fraud, corruption, malice, etc. Not all claims will be considered under the Property and Liability claims program. Further coverage and exclusions are identified in Coverages and Exclusions � Liability Program.
Refer to Employee Incidents/Accident Reporting Duties for guidelines regarding vehicle related and non-vehicle related incidents.
Further information or additional interpretation of available programs can be obtained by Risk Management at (510) 272-6920, tie line 26920.