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Alameda County Law Library Building
125 - 12th Street, 3rd Floor, Oakland, CA 94607 · 510-272-6920

Target Solutions
Target Solutions, through its Prevention Link software platform, provides the County with on-line training, record management, Human Resources and Risk Management tools. Supervisors can assign specific safety training courses to their employees and employees can access any of the 445 online courses in the following areas:
- General Safety
- Environmental Awareness
- Occupational Health
- Motor Vehicle Safety
- Human Resources
- Employment Practices for Supervisors
- Water and Wastewater Continuing Education
- Office Ergonomics
To access the course, County employees should sign on at with the username and password provided to you by your Agency/Department supervisor or training liaison.
Please contact Laura Kitsch, Risk Analyst / Safety Manager at 510-272-6698 or tie-line 2-6698.