Consumer Concerns / Complaints

Undercover test purchase.
The Office of Weights and Measures primary purpose is to ensure that "equity prevails" in the marketplace. The inspector is a "third party" to virtually any transaction you make based upon our inspection activities. We are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of each meter and scale that determines a charge to the consumer. We ensure that all packaged products contain the correct stated net weight or measure, and that you are charged the advertised or shelf price to assure agreement with the price determined by scanners at the checkout area.
If you have a general question about Weights and Measures, please call (510) 268-7343.
If you believe you have received short weight, measure or been overcharged, please call (510) 268-7343.
When you call, you will be asked for specific information, as indicated below. This will enable our inspectors to accurately investigate your complaint. In all cases your name and phone number is important and confidential as it allows us to contact you with the results of our investigation.
- Gasoline Stations:
- Station name and/or brand
- Address or cross street and city
- Pump number and grade of gasoline
- Specific complaint information (i.e., pump registered 12 gallons and you only have a 10 gallon tank; water contamination in fuel).
- Non-Utility Sub-Meters:
- Park, apartment, marina name
- Your space number/address
- The meter in question (gas, electric or water)
- Specific complaint information
- Scanner Overcharges:
- Store name
- Address, city
- Specific complaint information (i.e., shelf price stated $1.50 and the store scanner charged you $1.75)
- Item purchased, including brand and size, as appropriate.
- Scales:
- Business name
- Address and city
- Scale location (i.e., deli, check stand #, etc.)
- Specific complaint information (i.e., took in 10 lbs. of aluminum cans, but was only paid for 6 lbs; or they charged me for 3 lbs. of apples and I only received 2 lbs.)
- Type of material bought or sold
- Pre-packaged commodities:
- Brand name
- Type of product (i.e., milk, corn flakes)
- Package size (i.e., 1 gallon, 8 ounces)
- Location product purchased
- Business name
- Address and city
- Location inside store