Unincorporated Area Clean Water Program
Urban runoff is the leading cause of water pollution in the creeks and the San Francisco Bay today. There are several simple changes we can make in our daily lives to improve and protect our local creeks and the San Francisco Bay. Click here to learn more about the history of the Clean Water Act.
What is a watershed?

A watershed is an area of land over which water flows. Watersheds are delineated by topography; ridges and valleys. An example is the San Lorenzo Creek watershed, seen on the attached map (PDF - 366kb)*. There are many small watersheds in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Bay Area is also considered a large watershed with all the water draining into the San Francisco Bay.
The Unincorporated Area of Alameda County has displayed signs depicting the boundaries of the San Lorenzo Creek Watershed, seen on the attached example (JPG - 110kb).
Keeping Creeks Clean
- creek photo (PDF - 347kb)*
- Volunteer to clean a creek (PDF - 143kb)*
- Alameda County is installing new storm drain markers, see example here (JPG - 110kb)
Information for Developers
- Pollution prevention during construction (PDF - 837kb)*
- Permanent Stormwater Quality Controls (PDF - 5,528kb)*
- ACCWP�s NPDES permit 2009-2013 (PDF - 2,828kb)*
Doing Business and Preventing Water Pollution
Alameda County inspects businesses on a regular basis to ensure water quality practices are followed. If you suspect a business is polluting creeks or the Bay, contact us.
Contact us:
Alameda County Public Works Agency
Development Services Department
Clean Water Division
399 Elmhurst Street
Hayward, CA 94544
phone: 510-670-5543
fax: 510-670-5262
Call to report a spill or other pollution that could harm creeks: 510-670-5500
Further links on Water Quality:
- ACCWP - Alameda County-wide Clean Water Program (www.cleanwaterprogram.org)
- BASMAA � Bay Area Association of Stormwater Management Agencies Association (http://www.basmaa.org)
- California Water Quality Control Board (http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/)
- EPA � Environmental Protection Agency (www.epa.gov)
- RCD � Resource Conservation District (http://www.acrcd.org/)
- NRCS � Natural Resource Conservation Service (http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/partners/districts.html)
- Center for Watershed Protection (http://www.cwp.org)
- Alameda County Waste Management Authority (www.stopwaste.org)