Crow Canyon Road Safety Study
Crow Canyon Road, an arterial roadway connecting Alameda County and Contra Costa County, serves residents and businesses as a vital transportation corridor. The Alameda County Public Works Agency (County) is conducting a study to identify the roadway safety needs on Crow Canyon Road, from Greenridge Road to the Contra Costa/ Alameda County Line.
The Crow Canyon Road Safety Study will take into account the safety needs of roadway users; including preserving the environment, natural waterways and land; improving traffic flow; and promoting livability and multi-modal integration. The primary goal of the study is to identify and prioritize needed safety improvements. Identified projects should also allow different modes of transportation to share the corridor safely, while improving the overall efficiency along Crow Canyon Road.
About the Safety Study
- Fact Sheet (PDF - 192kb)*
- Public Comments Received CCR PSR (PDF - 321kb)*
Public Meetings - Notices and Presentations
Crow Canyon Safety Study - Meeting Notice (PDF - 63kb)*
None at this time.
Previous Meetings
(NEW) June 3, 2016 Meeting Presentation (PDF - 4mb)*
Crow Canyon Safety Study - DRAFT Findings and Recommendations (PDF - 37mb)*
May 28, 2014 Meeting Presentations