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Good housekeeping is a good indicator of a safe workplace. You can tell how workers feel about safety just by looking at their housekeeping practices. Clean areas such as workstations, vehicles, aisles, stairwell, restrooms, break room, cafeterias, parking lots, and other work areas help eliminate slip/trip/fall and fire hazards. Not only do you promote safety, you also increase productivity and morale.
Some housekeeping practices include:
- Keeping aisles cleared of garbage cans, boxes, stepstool, and other items
- Keeping tools and equipment clean and in good working condition; discard them if they are broken
- Keeping computer cables and electrical cords bundled
- Cleaning up water/oil/food spilled on the floor immediately
- Closing open cabinet drawers immediately
- Returning tools and equipment to their proper place
- Keeping the manual paper cutter blade in a locked position
- Storing heavy items on the lower shelves
Besides preventing accidents and injuries, good housekeeping saves space, time, and materials. When a workplace is clean, orderly, and free of obstruction; the employee can get the work done safely and properly. Workers feel better, think better and increase the quantity and quality of their work.
Good housekeeping is an on-going process and requires a conscious effort and energy by everybody. It is everybody's responsibility to maintain good housekeeping.
- Inspections and training on housekeeping can be provided by the Risk Management Unit. Please contact Laura Kitsch, Risk Analyst / Safety Manager at 510-272-6698 or tie-line 2-6698.