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Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) that can be carried in human blood or body fluids and cause serious diseases. Three of the most common bloodborne diseases are Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Agency/Departments that have employees who are reasonably expected to be exposed to blood or other body fluids are required to develop an effective exposure control plan.
The keys to preventing exposure to bloodborne pathogens are:
- Universal Precautions � treat all blood and body fluids as though they are contaminated
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) � wear the provided PPE to keep a barrier between the blood or body fluids and you
- Follow Safe Work Practices
- Wash your hands using proper hand washing techniques
- Utilize the Safety Resources below
Employee Resources
Proper hand washing technique (PDF - 154kb)*
Training Tools & Tips
Employees covered by this standard are required to participate in training annually. Customized training may be arranged through Risk Management. Please contact your Agency/Department Safety Coordinator (PDF - 113kb)* who will coordinate with Risk Management.
Target Safety�s Online Bloodborne Pathogens Course � If this training option is used for the required annual training, it must be augmented with a presentation that explains the specific exposures and control measures in the workplace by a person knowledgeable of the subject matter.
Bloodborne Pathogen Overview PowerPoint presentation (PDF - 498kb)*
Risk Management has bloodborne pathogen safety videos (PDF - 118kb)* listed under Infection Control
Safety Program/Plan
Sample Exposure Control Plan (PDF - 351kb)*
CalOSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard 5193 (PDF - 367kb)*