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Workplace Violence Prevention
Alameda County strives to maintain an environment that is free from threats, intimidation, or physical workplace violence. As a part of our continuing commitment to workplace safety, the Board of Supervisors, Risk Management, Agency/Department Heads, and all other employees of Alameda County, are determined to strive for an atmosphere that is free from actual or threatened workplace violence against any employee or citizen.
The Alameda County Workplace Violence Prevention Policy was adopted August 5, 1996 by the Board of Supervisors and is in conformance with Cal/OSHA guidelines on Workplace Violence Prevention.
Every employee has an obligation to assure that the work environment is free from workplace violence.
- Workplace Violence Prevention Policy (PDF - 265kb)*.
- Workplace Violence Forms
- Sample Agency/Department Contingency Plan (PDF - 468kb)*.
- Personal Safety Awareness
- Sample Agency/Departmental Training Presentation (PDF - 8,221kb)*.
- Workplace Violence Prevention Videos are available from Risk Management (PDF - 118kb)*.
- Workplace Violence/Threat of Violence Reporting Form (PDF - 162kb)*