Elected officials and staff meet to plan strategic climate action as part of the Alameda County & Cities Climate Partnership.
At the County, we recognize that we all need to work together to meet the challenges of climate change and preserve our community for future generations. To more effectively meet the needs of residents throughout the County, we build strong partnerships with other organizations, including governments and businesses.
Climate Action Partnerships
Alameda County & Cities Climate Partnership
Together with all 14 city governments within Alameda County, the County joined the Alameda County Climate Protection Project. The project was launched by the Alameda County Conference of Mayors in partnership with StopWaste. All participants agreed to an ongoing, coordinated effort to reduce the emissions that cause global warming as well as improve air quality, reduce waste, cut energy use, and save money.
Cool Counties
"Cool Counties" is a coalition of counties across the United States that are taking bold action to address climate change in our communities. Alameda County was one of the 12 founding counties in 2007. Joining Cool Counties supports our mission to enrich our community through visionary policies and responsive services. Learn more...
Energy Efficiency
Energy Upgrade California helps Alameda County homeowners and renters make home improvements that can increase the energy efficiency and comfort of their homes. In addition to energy efficiency, in Alameda County the program promotes water efficiency, waste reduction, resource conservation and green building improvements. Visit the Energy Upgrade California website for information participating contractors to help plan and complete your project—and on rebates and incentives to help pay for it.
Renewable Energy Partnerships
The Regional Renewable Energy Procurement Project (R-REP) is helping public agencies overcome barriers to renewable energy adoption, including resource limitations and lack of expertise. Under the direction of Alameda County, Joint Venture - Silicon Valley Network, and the Contra Costa Economic Partnership, this initiative will utilize collaborative procurement to purchase on-site renewable energy systems for public agencies in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. The R-REP is projected to include 186 sites developed with on-site renewable energy systems totaling over 31 megawatts.
More Information
- R-REP Website
- Joint Venture Silicon Valley R-REP Website
- R-REP Info Sheet, Feb. 2014 (PDF - 502kb) *
Sustainable Transportation Partnerships
Local Government Electric Vehicle Fleet Project
The Local Government Electric Vehicle Fleet Project is a high impact initiative to showcase electric vehicles in multiple government fleets, create substantial direct emission reductions, and serve as a model to scale this clean energy solution nationwide. Project partners are working to purchase and install 90 all electric vehicles and 90 charging points throughout the Bay Area. This clean transportation infrastructure will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 400,000 pounds per year and also significantly reduce air pollution. The project is generously supported by a $2.8 million grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and is a partnership between Alameda County, Sonoma County, Sonoma Water District, Transportation Authority of Marin, City of San Francisco, City of San Jose, City of Fremont, City of Concord, City of Oakland, City of Santa Rosa, and the Bay Area Climate Collaborative.
Bay Area EV Corridor (government to government working group for electric vehicle projects)
The federal government recently released two competitive solicitations for up to $2.4 billion in funding for electric vehicle conversions and demonstration and deployment projects. Bay Area jurisdictions have responded with competitive applications. This working group meets quarterly to coordinate electric vehicle projects regionally. San Francisco, Alameda County, Oakland, and San Jose have taken leadership roles in this effort.
East Bay Clean Cities Coalition
Clean Cities is a government-industry partnership for petroleum reduction. The region's coalition, one of 86 nationally, meets bi-monthly to review resources provided by the U.S. Department of Energy and local industry specialists. Since 1993, Clean Cities coalitions nationwide have put more than half a million alternative fuel vehicles on the road, avoiding the use of over 2 billion gallons of petroleum.