Get Involved
Get Rebates
Get Rebates for Water Efficient Products
- East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Customers
- Zone 7 Water Agency Customers
- Alameda County Water District Customers
Get Rebates for Energy Efficient Home Appliances

Volunteering to help restore a creek is one of many ways to get involved. Photo courtesy of Friends of Five Creeks.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy projects around the home help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy, and can save money.
Individuals—What You Can Do
The effort that individuals and families make reverberates out into the community in so many important ways. What we teach our kids about recycling will translate to how they dispose of waste at school. When we take public transportation, save water, save energy, or help our neighbors properly dispose of motor oil or pesticides, we are making small efforts that have big impacts.
Take Action
- Buy "Green" with Consumer Reports
- Convert Your Lawn to Low-Maintenance Landscape
- Energy Upgrade California
- Green Schools
- Green Your Workplace
- Hire/Shop at a Green Business
- Household Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Prescription Medication Disposal (more info)
- Recycling Wizard
- Reuse
- Request a Building Permit for Home Solar (Unincorporated Area Residents)
- Save Energy in Your Home
- Save Water in Your Home
- Stop Junk Mail
- Take Transit or Carpool to Work
- Use Less-Toxic Pest Management
- Visit Your Local Farmers Market