Fire safety is among the many services Alameda County provides to its residents. Photo courtesy of Danny Barlogio.
Alameda County is on the front lines, providing a wide range of services to its citizens. We are committed to transforming the way we provide these services to preserve our community—and our world—for future generations.
In unincorporated areas (outside city boundaries), we provide the same services a city would, such as police, fire, building and safety inspections, and road repair. We also provide certain services to all residents, regardless of whether they live within a city or in unincorporated areas, such as law enforcement, public health, and social services. On Countywide issues, such as climate protection, we build partnerships with the cities (which are run independently) within County borders in order to more effectively serve the needs of our communities.
Here's a brief overview of some of our services:
Are you looking for information on:
- Recycling and waste services for your home or business?
- Contact your local hauler or your City's solid waste & recycling coordinator. A list of these contacts can be found at: City Recycling & Garbage Contacts
- If you live in an unincorporated community, contact the provider on your waste bill
- Where to recycle or donate used items not collected in your home or business recycling programs?
- Check out StopWaste's Recycling Wizard
- How and where to properly dispose of household hazardous waste?
Environment / Sustainability
- Environmental health
- Climate protection
- Land use planning
- Water quality protection
- more
Healthy and Thriving Populations
- Child and elderly services
- Economic development
- Job training programs
- Health services, including operation of a county hospital and clinics
- Mental health programs, including alcohol and drug abuse
- Official records, such as birth certificates and marriage licenses
- Public libraries
- Welfare, which includes dispensing of federal welfare funds and food stamps
- Affordable housing programs
- Community planning
- Community housing programs in unincorporated areas
Safe and Livable Communities
- Emergency preparedness
- Fire safety
- Flood protection
- Law enforcement, including police, county coroner, district attorney and public defender
- Countywide transportation planning (in partnership with other governments)
- Road and bridge maintenance in unincorporated areas
- Pedestrian and bicycle safety in unincorporated areas