Our Strategic Vision provides a roadmap for establishing Alameda County as one of the best places in which to live, work, and do business.
Alameda County's Strategic Vision, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2008 and updated in 2018, sets a course for the next decade to maximize our ability to meet residents' needs in a rapidly changing world. Vision 2026 consists of goals to support vision elements of Environment/Sustainability, Safe and Livable Communities, Healthy and Thriving Populations, Housing, and Transportation.
Our Integrated Vision
We will achieve sustainability—which we define as the long-term health, social well-being, and economic vitality of the community—through an integrated approach that improves quality of life for all, including our most vulnerable populations. Housing, transportation, and community development projects will create diverse and friendly neighborhoods that promote healthy lifestyles, greener choices, and a strong local economy.
Vision for Environment / Sustainability
A healthy environment: our health is linked to it, our economy depends on it, and it makes Alameda County a beautiful place to live. When the County delivers public services and shapes land-use policies, we affect local and global ecosystems. By integrating sustainable strategies into service delivery, County policies, and regional partnerships, Alameda County will prioritize the preservation and restoration of our ecosystems.
We carry out the County's vision for sustainability by taking direct action, creating visionary policies, connecting with our community, and building partnerships.