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County's Fleet Named One of 8 Greenest in North America

(October 2016) Green Fleet Forum has named Alameda County the 8th Greenest Fleet in North America, our eighth consecutive year being recognized as one of the 40 greenest fleets in North America.

The Government Green Fleet Award recognizes federal, state, and local fleets that demonstrate sustainable practices in fleet composition, fuel and emissions, policy and planning, fleet utilization, education, and executive and employee involvement.

California was strongly represented with 9 of the top 50 fleets in North America from the state.

Alameda County's fleet has also been nationally recognized for sustainability by Fleet Technology Expo, the National Association of Fleet Administrators, and the National Association of Counties. In addition, for eight consecutive years, Government Fleet Magazine has recognized the County's fleet as one of the 100 best in North America, ranking it as #8 in 2016 in recognition of peak performance in fleet operations.