County Board of Supervisors gives green light to Climate Action Plan (CAP) for Unincorporated Communities
In June 2011, the Board approved in principle the Alameda County (Unincorporated Areas) Community Climate Action Plan for the unincorporated areas of Alameda County. These communities include Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherryland, El Portal Ridge, Fairview, Hillcrest Knolls, Mt. Eden, San Lorenzo, Sunol, and rural East County. This 10-year plan will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the community by approximately 15% by 2020 through a variety of measures and policies for new development, transportation improvements, encouragement of renewable energy, energy and water efficiency improvements and green infrastructure. Most of these measures would also have other positive benefits for the local community, such as improved air quality, reduced energy bills and traffic congestion.
The Board also directed County Staff to analyze the draft Climate Action Plan as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). When the environmental review is ready to begin, County Staff will provide notice to all interested parties. Once environmental review is complete, the measures in the Plan would be incorporated into the County's General Plan. At this time, the analysis draft of the Plan as approved by the Board is being prepared for CEQA analysis.
View the latest draft of the Plan (June 2011), along with all future environmental documentation.