County employees participate in the Alameda County and Cities Climate Partnership to plan strategic climate action.
Who we are
We are employees from various County agencies who work in teams to provide a wide range of services to our residents. We're committed to transforming the way we deliver these services so that we have a small impact on our environment and a large impact on the quality of life for our citizens. We recognize that government has to meet the needs of its citizens in the 21st century.
Vision, Action, and Partnership
The County has a clear vision for how to make Alameda County one of the best places in the country to live, work, and do business. Environment/sustainability is an integral part of that vision. The actions we take provide many benefits to our communities, including saving taxpayer dollars, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving energy, saving water, reducing waste, and preserving resources for current and future generations. Our Board of Supervisors provides strong leadership, adopting visionary policies for climate protection, waste reduction, green building, and toxics reduction, to name just a few. To more effectively meet the needs of residents throughout the County, we also build strong partnerships with the cities within County borders and with other governments.
About County Government
A political subdivision of the State, County government is on the front lines to assist the vulnerable, provide public safety and public health, and improve quality of life for our residents.