The County preserves, plants and maintains trees in unincorporated communities through its urban forestry program.
Urban Forestry Program
Trees provide numerous benefits to a community. They enhance natural scenic beauty, protect property values, prevent soil erosion, and improve air quality. Trees also help maintain ecology and moderate the effects of extreme temperatures. Unincorporated Alameda County has approximately 280,168 acres in which substantial portions are covered by native, indigenous and historical trees. Through education for residents, a tree ordinance, and an active Urban Parkways program to plant and maintain trees, the Urban Forestry Program works to preserve trees in Alameda County's unincorporated communities.
Tree Ordinance
Preserving street trees in order to promote health, safety, welfare and quality of life for residents of unincorporated communities is the goal of Alameda County's Tree Ordinance. The Tree Ordinance sets specific requirements that must be followed in County right of way areas for planting and maintaining trees. It also prohibits removing trees without a special permit.
Urban Parkways Program
The Urban Parkways Program preserves and promotes public area landscape planting, including trees, along County-maintained, designated roadways. The County makes sure that these trees and plants are consistent with a community's identity and with the safety needs of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. In addition to planting and maintaining street and parkway trees in the unincorporated communities of Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherryland, Fairview, San Lorenzo, and Sunol, the program also includes other unincorporated areas of environmental significance, such as scenic corridors, recreational trails, creeks, and Flood Control District lands. The program is solely funded through federal grants and partnerships.