Partnerships are advancing electric vehicles and other cleaner transportation initiatives in the Bay Area.
Partnerships for Cleaner Transportation
Local Government Electric Vehicle Fleet Project
The Local Government Electric Vehicle Fleet Project was a high impact initiative to showcase electric vehicles in multiple government fleets, create substantial direct emission reductions, and serve as a model to scale this clean energy solution nationwide. Project partners worked to purchase and install 90 all electric vehicles and 90 charging points throughout the Bay Area. This clean transportation infrastructure was projected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 400,000 pounds per year and also significantly reduce air pollution. The project was generously supported by a $2.8 million grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and was a partnership among Alameda County, Sonoma County, Sonoma Water District, Transportation Authority of Marin, City of San Francisco, City of San Jose, City of Fremont, City of Concord, City of Oakland, City of Santa Rosa, and the Bay Area Climate Collaborative.
Bay Area EV Corridor (government to government working group for electric vehicle projects)
When the federal government released two competitive solicitations for up to $2.4 billion in funding for electric vehicle conversions and demonstration and deployment projects, Bay Area jurisdictions responded with competitive applications. This working group has met quarterly to coordinate electric vehicle projects regionally. San Francisco, Alameda County, Oakland, and San Jose have taken leadership roles in this effort.
East Bay Clean Cities Coalition
The Clean Cities Coalition Network is a government-industry partnership for petroleum reduction. The region's coalition, one of 80 nationally, meets to review resources provided by the U.S. Department of Energy and local industry specialists. Since 1993, Clean Cities coalitions nationwide have put more than a million alternative fuel vehicles on the road, avoiding the use of the equivalent of over 9 billion gallons of gasoline.
Climate Mayors Electric Vehicle Purchasing Collaborative
The Climate Mayors Electric Vehicle Purchasing Collaborative leverages the buying power of local governments to reduce the costs of EVs and charging infrastructure. The Collaborative also supports public fleets with training, best practices, and analysis support related to EVs. The goal is to accelerate the switch to electric-powered vehicles.
Through the collaborative, the Alameda County General Services Agency is aiming to purchase about 25 EVs annually until 2030. EVs would then compose at least 30 percent of the vehicle fleet.