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Our technical specifications are written to go right into our construction contract to ensure contractors doing work on behalf of the County select and install products that meet our environmentally preferable purchasing policy.
Construction Specifications
Alameda County is developing green construction specifications, such as our lighting technical specification, that are consistent with our Green Building Ordinance and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy. We're developing these specifications to set clear expectations for the product standards our contractors should meet when purchasing building products for County-funded construction or remodeling projects. We also want to ensure that our contractors install fixtures that are compatible with environmentally preferable products, such as energy-efficient, low-mercury lamps.
- Carpet Technical Specification (PDF - 159kb) *
- Construction Waste Management Specification (PDF - 126kb) *
- Green Cleaning Narrative (PDF - 232kb) *
- LEED Construction Specification (PDF - 220kb) *
- Low Carbon Concrete Performance Specification (PDF - 182kb) *
- Sustainable Building Design Checklist (PDF - 198kb) *
- Waste & Recycling Narrative (PDF - 294kb) *