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We've excerpted the environmental specification from our bids and posted our technical specifications from our construction documents so you can find them easily.
Bids & Specifications
Alameda County conducts extensive technical and market research on environmentally preferable products before we recommend their use to staff. We partner with key County staff to pilot test products to ensure the specifications we put into our bids will get us products that perform equal to or better than the products they replace. We also ensure that our purchasing processes allows for adequate competition and the best value for the County, whether it is through formal bids or informal quotes.
Our research even influences our construction and leasing projects where a contractor is choosing building materials, fixtures, and finishes for us. Here are some of the ways we use environmental specifications in our purchasing and operations:
Bid Excerpts
Environmental specifications are incorporated directly into the technical specifications of the bid, along with other specifications including performance.
Construction Specifications
We make these technical specifications and design narratives part of new construction or remodel contracts.
Green Lease Documents
We developed lease language to ensure that the sustainability initiatives that are commonplace in our County-owned buildings are also in place in our leased facilities.
Piggybacking on Alameda County’s green contracts provides you access to our volume pricing and gives you the benefits of our green product research and promotional strategies.