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Our bid excerpts provide you with the most pertinent information about the bids we've greened to make it easier for you to find what you're interested in.
Bid Excerpts
In these documents, we've compiled the most relevant information from our bids in one place so you can see how we handled the environmental specifications. We provide a little background on the bid, the bid details, and an excerpt of the environmental specifications. And for most of these bids, we've also included our contract pricing so local agencies can evaluate the potential value of piggybacking on our contract. To request more information, or for a copy of the full bid, contract or award summary, call the Alameda County General Services Agency Purchasing Department at (510) 208-9600.
Bid Excerpts
- Carpet model bid language (PDF - 173kb) *
- Janitorial Cleaning Products bid excerpt (PDF - 644kb) *
- Janitorial Paper Products bid excerpt (PDF - 463kb) *
- Janitorial Trash Can Liners (PDF - 265kb) *
- Multi-Function Device bid excerpt (PDF - 158kb) *
- OEM and Remanufactured Toner and Ink Cartridges bid excerpt (PDF - 193kb) *
- Office Paper bid excerpt (PDF - 309kb) *
- Office Supplies bid excerpt (PDF - 1.5mb) *
- Printing Services bid excerpt (PDF - 313kb) *
- Piggybacking for Green Purchasing Resource (PDF - 297kb) *