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Piggybacking on Alameda County's green contracts is a great way to leverage our research on environmentally preferable products.
Piggybacking on Alameda County's green contracts provides you access to our volume pricing and gives you the benefits of our green product research and promotional strategies. You may also save time and resources when you use our competitive bidding process to fulfill your contracting needs. Vendors are not obligated to allow piggybacking, but many of our vendors have in the past.† See these tips for more information about piggybacking.
To find Alameda County green contracts you might be interested in, check these locations on our website:
To learn more about any of these contracts or to request relevant documents or contract pricing, contact the Alameda County General Services Agency's Procurement Department/Contracts Team at (510) 208-9600, or make a public records request, for the documents you need.
What is Piggybacking?
Piggybacking is when an organization uses an existing competitively-bid contract as a template to form their own contract directly with the vendor to purchase on the same or similar terms. For public agencies, the competitive bidding process typically must be managed by another government entity or by a mutual benefit association, such as US Communities. Your agency does not become a signatory to, or participate in, the original contract but instead negotiates a new contract with the vendor.
Each agency must evaluate the specific contract documents to determine if the competitive process and contract awarded allows piggybacking and meets your agency's rules and regulations for contracting. Contact your legal counsel if you have questions about piggybacking.