Completed Projects Archive
- Eden Landing Pump Station Rehabilitation, Hayward (FC 3A-115)
- Current Status: Construction work is continuing and is expected to be completed by November 2013.
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 33kb)*
- Notification Letter to Commercial Offices 4-16-2012 (PDF - 470kb)*
- Knight Street Crossing Improvements, Oakland
- Current Status: : Bids were opened on February 21, 2013. Project is anticipated to be awarded by the Board of Supervisors sometime in March. Construction is anticipated to begin in May 2013 and completed by October 2013.
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 118kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents 1-17-2013 (PDF - 326kb)*
- Lake Merritt Pump Station Maintenance Project
- This project is currently out for bids. Bid are accepted through September
- Attachment #1: Lake Merritt Pump Station Inspection Report (PDF - 5.27mb)*
- Attachment #2: Lake Merritt Pump Station Inspection Videos
- Mission Creek Restoration Project (Zone 6 Line L)
- The 30 day public review period will be from October 25, 2013 to November 26, 2013.
- Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study (PDF - 15.2mb)*
- Notice of Intent to adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF - 439kb)*
- Sulphur Creek Levee Improvements, Hayward (FC 2-189)
- Current Status: Project was winterized in November 2012. Construction will resume in early May 2013 and is expected to be completed by September 30, 2013.
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 33kb)*
- Notification Letter to Commercial Offices 4-10-2012 (PDF - 231kb)*
- Notification Letter to Commercial Offices 2-02-2012 (PDF - 490kb)*
Drainage Master Plan Study
- Agua Fria Creek Restoration, Fremont
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 641kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents 12-9-2011 (PDF - 666kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents 3-30-2012 (PDF - 667kb)*
- Construction of Major Underground Storm Drain Pipe System, Emeryville
- Project Fact Sheet: Emeryville Project Fact Sheet 7-19-11 (PDF - 664kb)*
- Current Status:
- Notice of Upcoming Construction on 62nd St., Oakland (PDF - 310kb)*
- Community Involvement
- Emeryville Council Presentation Project 1-7-10 (PDF - 8mb)*
- Construction Presentation Oakland 10-20-11 (PDF - 7.45mb)*
- Public Meeting on Upcoming Construction (PDF - 268kb)*
- Estuary Bridges Retrofit Project
- Project Fact Sheet: Estuary Bridges Retrofit Project (PDF - 66kb)*
- Farwell Drive Crossing Improvements, Fremont
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 490kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents 3-30-2012 (PDF - 554kb)*
- Floodwall Improvement Project, Hayward (between Industrial Parkway Southwest and Huntwood Avenue)
- Project Meeting Presentation 5-18-2010 (PDF - 4.5mb)*
- Public Information Meeting Notice 5-4-2010 (PDF - 637kb)*
- Current Status
- San Leandro Creek Hazardous Tree Removal Project
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 48kb)*
- Public Notice - Saint Mary Avenue 10-7-11 (PDF - 50kb)*
- Public Notice - Huff Avenue 11-1-11 (PDF - 51kb)*
- Public Notice - Haas Avenue/Cary Drive 11-1-11 (PDF - 52kb)*
- Stanley Boulevard Safety and Streetscape Improvements Project
- Stanley Boulevard Bay Friendly Landscape Information (PDF - 1,450kb)*
- Project Fact Sheet: Stanley Boulevard Utility Undergrounding and Streetscape Improvement (PDF - 1,534kb)*
- Zone 5 Line M Improvements, Fremont (FC 5-200)
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 34kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents (vicinity of Perry Road/Alameda Creek) 4-06-2012 (PDF - 213kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents (vicinity of Royal Ann Drive to UPRR/Line M Channel) 4-06-2012 (PDF - 234kb)*
- Notification Letter to Residents 2-06-2012 (PDF - 476kb)*
- Foothill Boulevard Improvements Project
- FAQs (PDF - 265kb)*
- PowerPoint Presentation (04/09/2014) (PDF - 2.33mb)*
- Exhibits (04/09/2014) (PDF - 11mb)*
- Grant Avenue Sidewalks and Drainage Improvements Project
- 2156 Responses to Bidder Inquiries (PDF - 105kb)*
- Grant Avenue Sidewalks and Drainage Improvements Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 155kb)*
- Grant Avenue at Via Nueva Rendering (PDF - 1.62mb)*
- Haviland Avenue Improvement Project
- Exhibit - Arial Project View (PDF - 3.69mb)*
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 97kb)*
- High Street and Park Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project
- Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 3.69mb)*
- 2148 Responses to Bidder Inquiries (PDF - 103kb)*